Make Your Laptop Settings Roam with Laptop-net

Kyle Rankin

Quinstreet Inc.

Author of Knoppix Hacks, Knoppix Pocket Reference, Linux Multimedia Hacks, and Ubuntu Hacks

The Problem

A Solution: Laptop-net

Laptop-net allows you to:

How Laptop-net Works

Install Laptop-net

Write DHCP Script

Use DHCP script to automatically launch laptop-net when getting/releasing a lease

Fix Possible Bug

If /var/run/laptop-net isn't being created:

Configure laptop-net Profiles

Profiles have a few important files/directories:

Configure laptop-net Profiles

Offline Profile

Configure laptop-net Profiles

Default Network Profile

Configure laptop-net Profiles

Test Your Profiles

Mar  4 16:12:56 ubuntu laptop-net: Selecting network profile "zzz-default"
Mar  4 15:19:42 ubuntu laptop-net: Deselecting network profile "zzz-default"
Mar  4 15:19:42 ubuntu laptop-net: Selecting network profile "offline"
Mar  4 15:24:06 ubuntu laptop-net: Deselecting network profile "offline"
Mar  4 15:24:07 ubuntu laptop-net: Selecting network profile "zzz-default"

Configure laptop-net Profiles

Home Profile

Configure laptop-net Profiles

Work Profile

Make Your Default Printer Roam

  1. Configure printer settings and set the default printer for a profile
  2. copy /etc/cups/printers.conf to /etc/laptop-net/profiles/profilename/files.d/etc/cups/printers.conf
  3. Edit after-select script for the profile and add:
    /etc/init.d/cupsys restart
  4. Copy above steps for any other profiles you want to have a default printer
  5. Questions?